Saturday, June 2, 2007

Captions for photos

Picture 1 is at the Grand Palace in Bangkok. The royal family used to live here, but now it's open to the public. It's huge and georgous - so much to take in!

Picture 2 (across from 1) is Ronald McDonald "wei-ng" - a wei is what you do to greet someone- it's a sign of respect. It's usually accompanied by "sawatdeeka" (hello). Even Ronald does it, yo.

Picture 3 is of dogs playing the super spiritual forest wat we visited in Chiang Mai. Beneath it is a wise saying (we think) in Thai. There were other cool things posted in the trees, my favorite being "cut yourself some slack. Remember, one hundred years from now, all new people." aka, Chill - you'll die soon. Will post more pictures of this place lata.

Picture 4 - Beth and I on the steps of another Chiang Mai wat, Doi Suthep. This is the one we took the red truck taxi to up the big green hill - beautiful!

Picture 5 - crap, that's the same as picture 1.

Picture 6 - We take our shoes off to go into wats (those are our feets.)

Picture 7 - Enormous golden buddah! This is at a wat in Bangkok - it's one that was included in our tuk tuk tour!

Picture 8 - These signs are everywhere - this year the King of Thailand celebrates his 80's birthday so it's Thai pride all over the place. Everyone wears yellow polo shirts with the royal logo on it in celebration and on nearly every street corner there are huge posters of the royal family. A cool time to be here - long live the king!

Picture 9 - This is out of order... mom took this right before we left for the airport (thanks, mom). :)

Picture 10 - The view from our longboat the first day we were in Bangkok. This trip was rad - we got to see the canals behind the city - most of the business in Bangkok used to be conducted via canal like in Venice.

Picture 11 - a view of a wat from the longboat.

Picture 12 - A self-photo in a cool wat.

The computer is pretty slow so that's all I had time to load - more pics to come! --Amy

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