Sunday, July 1, 2007

Picture captions...

Photo 1: At the Summer Palace in Beijing - lovely bridge!

Photo 2: It's raining at Meiji Jingu, a shrine in Tokyo (somehow the pictures got out of order when they loaded- sorry!) This place was beautiful - greenery everywhere, and cool wooden prayer plaques you could write messages on.

Photo 3: Vending machine madness in Tokyo

Photo 4: A busy, neon-filled Tokyo street - in the Shibuya neighborhood

Photo 5: Photo booth picture from Tokyo. These machines are the BEST. They're made by Sega, and my new goal in life is to import them to the US and become richy. I heart them.

Photo 6: Temple of Heaven, Beijing - this is the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests.

Photo 7: Tiananmen Square at night - "Hello, hello... Welcome to China!"

Photo 8: Great Wall 'o China!

Photo 9: The tobagen ride down from the Great Wall. This is the sign for the "speed chute," which was comforting. It was rad.

Photo 10: Forbidden City pagoda.

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